Joelle Dorskind '13

After graduation I moved to Baltimore, MD and worked as a technician in the Department of Neurology at Johns Hopkins University. I then entered the Cellular and Molecular Medicine graduate training program at Hopkins in 2015. I am currently in my 5th year of the program in Dr. Alex Kolodkin's laboratory in the Department of Neuroscience. My research explores the molecular mechanisms that underlie cortical circuit formation in the mammalian brain. Upon completion of my PhD I will pursue a postdoctoral fellowship and continue on the scientific journey. 
My experience at Lehigh was invaluable to my journey to Hopkins and throughout my PhD. The cognitive science program truly broadened my knowledge of cognition and provided me novel problem solving skills and exposed me to other fields which have provided interesting insights into my project. The research opportunities I had in both the department of Psychology with Almut Hupbach and the department of biological sciences with Dr. Michael Kuchka jump started this journey and I can't thank the program enough for this training and support.